improve customer service

4 Ways to Improve Customer Service and Win New Business

This article examines the case for automation to improve customer service and win new business. It identifies some of the leading use cases and how the technology can be used to enhance these processes.

In today’s highly competitive business environment, providing exceptional customer service is more important than ever. Customers have numerous options available to them, and they expect to be treated well by the companies they do business with. They want companies to be available 24/7, respond quickly to enquiries, and provide personalised experiences. Meeting these expectations can be challenging, especially for businesses with limited resources.

However, advances in technology have made it easier than ever to improve customer service and win new business. In this article, we explore some of the ways process automation technology can help companies achieve these goals.

What is Process Automation Technology?

Process automation technology is a type of software that automates repetitive tasks and processes. It can be used to streamline workflows, reduce errors, and improve efficiency. Process automation technology uses artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to make decisions and perform tasks with reduced human intervention.

Further information on opportunities for process automation in 2023 

How Can Process Automation Technology Improve Customer Service

Faster Response Times

Automation can help companies respond to customer enquiries faster. For example, a chatbot can be programmed to answer common questions and provide basic support. This can reduce wait times for customers and improve their overall experience.

Personalised Experiences

Process automation technology can be used to create personalised experiences for customers. For example, systems can track customer interactions and provide recommendations based on their preferences. This can help companies build stronger relationships with customers and increase customer loyalty.

Efficient Workflows

Digital process automation can help companies streamline their workflows and reduce errors. For example, a company can automate the order processing and fulfilment process, reducing the likelihood of errors and improving efficiency.

Improved Data Analysis

Customer interactions can be collected and analysed. This data can then be used to identify trends, improve processes, and make data-driven decisions. For example, a company can use data analysis to identify the most common customer enquiries and create a knowledge base to provide instant answers to these enquiries.


How Can Process Automation Technology Win New Business?

Competitive Advantage

By using technology to improve customer service, companies can differentiate themselves from competitors and attract new customers.

Increased Efficiency

Operating more efficiently can lead to cost savings, which can be passed on to customers in the form of lower prices or better value. This can help companies win new business and retain existing customers.

Improved Reputation

Improving customer service can help companies improve their reputation. Customers are more likely to recommend companies that provide excellent customer service, which can lead to new business.


4 Processes to Automate that can Improve Customer Service and Win New Business

Customer Onboarding

The onboarding process can be time-consuming and complex, especially for businesses that have a large customer base. Automation can be used to streamline the onboarding process, reducing wait times for customers and improving their overall experience.

What is Customer Onboarding Automation

Customer onboarding is a critical aspect of any business as it sets the foundation for a successful relationship between the company and its customers. However, manual processes can be time-consuming, prone to errors, and negatively impact the customer experience. Automating customer onboarding streamlines the process, providing a smooth and efficient experience for the customer while reducing workload and increasing accuracy for the company. As an example, a company can automate the customer verification process and provide instant access to services or products.

How does it Work?

Customer onboarding automation works by using technology and automated workflows to simplify and streamline the onboarding process for new customers. Here are the general steps of how it works:

  • Data Collection: The first step of the onboarding process involves collecting important information from the customer. With automation, businesses can use pre-built forms and automated workflows to capture customer data quickly and accurately.
  • Document Management: Once the necessary data has been collected, businesses can use automation to manage the documentation required for the onboarding process. This includes creating, tracking, and storing all relevant documents digitally.
  • Notifications and Reminders: Automation can be used to send notifications and reminders to customers at various stages of the onboarding process. This helps to keep customers informed and engaged, reducing the time required for manual follow-up.
  • Standardisation: Automation can standardise the onboarding process, ensuring that all customers go through the same steps and receive the same level of service. This helps to create a more consistent customer experience and reduces the risk of errors or omissions.
  • Integration: Once the onboarding process is complete, automation can integrate the customer data into the relevant systems and applications, enabling a seamless transition to ongoing operations.

Order Processing and Fulfilment

Order processing and fulfilment can be complex and error-prone, especially for businesses that receive a high volume of orders. Automation can be used to streamline the order processing and fulfilment process, reducing the likelihood of errors and improving efficiency. For example, a company can use a robotic process automation tool to automate the order entry process and integrate with the fulfilment system for seamless order processing.

Traditional manual processes can lead to errors, delays, and customer dissatisfaction. That’s why many businesses are turning to order processing and fulfilment automation to streamline their e-commerce operations.

What is Order Processing and Fulfilment Automation?

Order processing and fulfilment automation is the use of technology to automate the entire process of receiving, processing, and fulfilling orders. This includes automating tasks such as order capture, inventory management, picking and packing, shipping, and tracking. The goal of order processing and fulfilment automation is to reduce the manual effort required for processing orders, improve accuracy, and increase efficiency in the e-commerce process.

How does it work?

Order processing and fulfilment automation typically consists of several stages, including:

  • Order Capture: Orders are captured from various sources such as websites, marketplaces, and social media platforms.
  • Inventory Management: Automatically update inventory levels and alerts when stock levels are low.
  • Picking and Packing: Generate pick lists for warehouse staff to select items and pack orders.
  • Shipping: Produce shipping labels and carrier selections based on the shipping method chosen by the customer.
  • Tracking: Send tracking information to the customer and updates the order status in real-time.

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Customer Support

Customer support is a critical aspect of customer service, but it can be time-consuming and costly for businesses. Traditional customer support models rely heavily on manual processes, which can lead to delays, errors, and inconsistent support quality. That’s why many businesses are turning to customer support automation to streamline their support operations and improve the customer experience.

What is Customer Support Automation?

Customer support automation is the use of technology to automate various tasks in the customer support process. This includes tasks such as ticket creation, ticket routing, response management, and issue resolution. The goal of customer support automation is to reduce the manual effort required for providing support, improve accuracy, and increase efficiency in the support process.

How does it work?

Customer support automation typically consists of several stages, including:

  • Ticket Creation: Customers can create support tickets through various channels such as email, chat, or phone.
  • Ticket Routing: The system automatically assigns tickets to the appropriate support staff based on predefined rules or AI algorithms.
  • Response Management: Support staff can manage responses to tickets through various channels and collaborate with other team members if needed.
  • Issue Resolution: The system can suggest solutions to common issues, and support staff can use AI-powered tools to quickly resolve customer issues.
  • Customer Feedback: The system can collect customer feedback and use it to improve the support process and customer experience.


Billing and Invoice Automation

As businesses grow, the volume of invoices and billing can quickly become overwhelming. Manual billing and invoicing processes can lead to errors, delays, and customer dissatisfaction. That’s why many businesses are turning to billing and invoicing automation to streamline their financial operations.

Everything yoiu need to know about automated invoice processing.

What is Billing and Invoicing Automation?

Billing and invoicing automation is the use of technology to automate the process of creating, sending, and managing invoices. This includes automating tasks such as invoice creation, payment processing, and customer communication. The goal of billing and invoicing automation is to reduce the manual effort required for financial operations, improve accuracy, and increase efficiency in the invoicing process.

How does it work?

Billing and invoicing automation typically consists of several stages, including:

  • Invoice Creation: Invoices are automatically generated from data sources such as purchase orders, contracts, or time tracking software.
  • Payment Processing: Various payment methods can be accepted and automatically reconcile payments with invoices.
  • Customer Communication: Automated notifications for upcoming and past-due payments can be sent and provide customers with self-service options for managing their invoices and payments.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Detailed reports and analytics can be provided on invoicing and payment data, giving businesses valuable insights into their financial operations.


Automation Benefits that Improve Customer Service and Open New Business Opportunities

Process automation can lead to a number of benefits for the organisation, its employees, customers and partners:

  1. Personalisation: Allow for personalisation by incorporating customer data and preferences into the onboarding experience. This can lead to increased customer engagement and a more positive experience overall.
  2. Efficient Processing: Significantly reduce the time it takes to complete processes, freeing up resources to focus on other critical business tasks.
  3. Increased Accuracy: Eliminate the risk of human error and ensure that all necessary steps are completed accurately and in a timely manner.
  4. Consistency: Ensure that all customers receive the same experience, across different communication channels, reducing the risk of inconsistent treatment and promoting a positive image of the company.
  5. Increased Visibility: Track the status of transactions at every stage of the process, giving you a clear picture of where items are in the process.
  6. Improved Customer Experience: Ensure that communications are processed quickly and accurately, leading to a positive customer experience.
  7. Increased Availability: Provide 24/7 support, ensuring that customers can get the help they need at any time.
  8. Scalability: Easily scale up or down to meet the demands of your business, allowing you to handle large volumes of support enquiries.

In summary, process automation technology can help companies improve customer service and win new business by automating repetitive tasks and processes. Organisations can respond faster to customer enquiries, provide personalised experiences, and improve efficiency. This can provide a competitive advantage and improve the company’s reputation, leading to new business opportunities. If you are looking to improve your customer service and win new business, consider implementing process automation technologies into your organisation. You can connect with one our experts here.

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